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Bondi Wash Bench Spray Lemon Tea Tree & Mandarin 澳洲檸檬茶樹柑橘居家清潔噴霧 500ml

Bondi Wash Bench Spray Lemon Tea Tree & Mandarin 澳洲檸檬茶樹柑橘居家清潔噴霧 500ml

Regular price $162.00
Sale price $162.00 Regular price $180.00
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  • Shop all Bondi Wash
  • A non-toxic, multi-purpose spray that can be used on any surface in the home including the kitchen bench, bathroom, toilet, most fabrics and children’s toys. One of the BONDI WASH best sellers, the Bench Spray is fragranced with our distinct native scents, making cleaning a pleasure
  • 一種無毒的多功能的清潔噴霧,可用於家庭的任何表面,包括廚房工作台、洗手間、大多數織物和兒童玩具等。BONDI WASH 暢銷產品之一,散發著獨特澳洲香氣,讓清潔成為一種樂趣
  • Lemon tea tree refreshes while it kills germs. A unique twist on lemon to enliven and cleanse, with a soothing combination of luxurious oils including Australian mandarin, rose geranium, cardamom and neroli
  • 檸檬茶樹精油擁有清新香氣,獨特的配方在檸檬香氣上作了調整,使人活力倍增,加強清潔效果,添加珍貴的澳洲柑橘、玫瑰天竺葵、荳蔻和橙花精油,創造鎮靜舒緩功效
  • 99%+ plant-derived ingredients (<1% are food-grade preservatives to keep the products shelf-stable)
  • 99% 以上天然植物來源成分
  • Powerfully anti-bacterial, independent lab tested to verify it ‘kills 99.99% of germs’ naturally
  • 強大的抗菌能力,經獨立實驗室測試證實可殺死 99.99% 細菌
  • Made in Australia
  • 澳洲製造
  • Volume: 500ml
  • 容量: 500ml
  • Orders Over HKD500 Free Shipping
  • 訂單滿港幣500元免運費

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