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Clarity Blend Aromatherapy Mind Spa™ Bath Salts 英國天然純素心靈水療浴鹽

Clarity Blend Aromatherapy Mind Spa™ Bath Salts 英國天然純素心靈水療浴鹽

Regular price $179.10
Sale price $179.10 Regular price $199.00
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  • Shop all Clarity Blend Aromatherapy
  • Ease anxiety and irritability, and press pause on life’s everyday stresses with our Mind Spa™ Bath Salts. The calming trio of eucalyptus, lavender and bergamot will leave you feeling more grounded and balanced, and ready to face the world
  • 使用我們的 Mind Spa™ 浴鹽緩解焦慮和煩躁,並緩解生活中的日常壓力。尤加利、薰衣草和佛手柑的舒緩三重奏會讓您感覺更加踏實和平衡,並準備好面對世界
  • Soothing eucalyptus, therapeutic lavender and uplifting bergamot are lovingly hand-blended with magnesium-rich Epsom Salts, dried rose petals, lavender and chamomile flowers…because you deserve a special treat
  • 舒緩的尤加利、療癒的薰衣草和振奮人心的佛手柑與富含鎂的瀉鹽、乾燥玫瑰花瓣、薰衣草和洋甘菊花精心手工混合…因為您值得享受特別的享受
  • Goodbye anxiety and overwhelm, hello calm and clarity…
  • 再見焦慮和不知所措,你好平靜和清晰...
  • Soothing and stimulating, eucalyptus releases tension, enhances feelings of relaxation and clears the mind. Its fresh, woody scent evokes memories of a shady forest walk…
  • 尤加利樹具有舒緩和刺激作用,可以釋放緊張感,增強放鬆感並淨化心靈。其清新的木質香喚起了人們對陰涼森林漫步的回憶…
  • Lavender is the queen of essential oils and has a calming fragrance. It has powerful skin-preserving qualities and is a wonderful aid in the process to regenerate cells
  • 薰衣草是精油皇后,具有鎮定的香味。它具有強大的皮膚保護特性,對細胞再生過程有極佳的幫助
  • The fragrant, sunny notes of citrusy bergamot will uplift your spirits and help banish feelings of anxiety and fatigue. Think the warmth of a late afternoon stroll on a balmy Mediterranean beach…
  • 柑橘佛手柑的芬芳和陽光氣息會振奮您的精神,並有助於消除焦慮和疲勞感。想像一下午後在溫暖的地中海海灘上漫步的溫暖…
  • 100% natural, vegan-friendly ingredients.No artificial fragrances or parabens 
  • 100% 天然、素食成分
  • Full ingredient list: Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt), Sodium Chloride (Himalayan Pink Salt), Rosa Damascena Flower, Chamomilla Recutita Flower, Lavandula Angustifolia Flower, Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucalyptus), Lavandula Angustifolia Oil (Lavender), Citrus Bergamia FCF (Bergamot), Limonene*, Geraniol*, Linalool*, Citral* (*naturally occurring in essential oils)
  • 完整成分:硫酸鎂(瀉鹽)、氯化鈉(喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽)、大馬士革玫瑰花、洋甘菊花、薰衣草花、藍桉、薰衣草油、佛手柑 FCF(佛手柑) 、檸檬烯*、香葉醇*、芳樟醇*、檸檬醛*(*天然存在於精油中)
  • Size: 335g
  • 容量:335g
  • Orders Over HKD500 Free Shipping
  • 訂單滿港幣500元免運費

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