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Clarity Blend Aromatherapy Sunset Bliss Bath Salts 英國天然純素芳香日落極樂浴鹽

Clarity Blend Aromatherapy Sunset Bliss Bath Salts 英國天然純素芳香日落極樂浴鹽

Regular price $179.10
Sale price $179.10 Regular price $199.00
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  • Shop all Clarity Blend Aromatherapy
  • If your happy place is a tropical paradise, our Sunset Bliss Bath Salts will transport you there in no time through exotic scents. Jasmine, ylang-ylang and blood orange work in perfect harmony to awaken your senses in an evocative blend that will comfort your mind and body, and uplift your soul
  • 如果您快樂的地方是熱帶天堂,我們的日落幸福浴鹽將立即透過異國情調的香味將您帶到那裡。茉莉、依蘭和血橙完美和諧地發揮作用,以令人回味的混合方式喚醒您的感官,舒緩您的身心,提升您的靈魂
  • This gorgeous trio makes us think tropical blossoms and a warm embrace under the stars on a heady summer’s eve…
  • 這個華麗的三重奏讓我們想起熱帶花朵和令人陶醉的夏夜星空下的溫暖擁抱…
  • We promise you’re only one step away from feeling calmer, more confident and sensual...
  • 我們保證您只需踏出一步就能感到更加平靜、更有自信和感性…
  • Floral jasmine brings a sense of calm. With its heady aroma and aphrodisiac qualities, this little gem will give your self-confidence and sensuality a boost
  • 茉莉花香給人一種平靜的感覺。憑藉其令人陶醉的香氣和催情功效,這款香味將增強您的自信和性感
  • The zesty, tropical aroma of blood orange lifts your mood and emotions, and calms your nerves
  • 血橙的濃鬱熱帶香氣可提升您的心情和情緒,並鎮靜您的神經
  • 100% natural, vegan-friendly ingredients.No artificial fragrances or parabens 
  • 100% 天然、素食成分
  • Full ingredient list: Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt), Sodium Chloride (Himalayan Pink Salt), Rosa Damascena Flower, Chamomilla Recutita Flower, Lavandula Angustifolia Flower, Jasminum grandiflorum (Jasmine), Citrus aurantium amara (Petitgrain), Citrus sinensis (Blood orange), Limonene*, Geraniol*, Linalool*, Citral*, Benzyl Alcohol*, Eugenol*, Benzyl Benzoate*, Farnesol* (*naturally occurring in essential oils)
  • 完整成分:硫酸鎂(瀉鹽)、氯化鈉(喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽)、大馬士革玫瑰花、洋甘菊花、薰衣草花、茉莉花、苦橙葉、血橙、檸檬烯*、香葉醇*、芳樟醇*、檸檬醛*、苯甲醇*、丁子香酚*、苯甲酸芐酯*、金合歡醇*(*天然存在於精油中)
  • Size: 335g
  • 容量:335g
  • Orders Over HKD500 Free Shipping
  • 訂單滿港幣500元免運費

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