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Erbaviva Baby Body Wash 美國有機嬰兒沐浴露 235ml

Erbaviva Baby Body Wash 美國有機嬰兒沐浴露 235ml

Regular price $190.00
Sale price $190.00 Regular price $200.00
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  • Shop all Erbaviva 
  • A gentle wash made with soothing chamomile and nourishing aloe, oat and calendula extracts, organic baby body wash naturally nurtures and cleans even the most sensitive and delicate skin. This organic baby bath product enhances baby’s bath time with a subtle and calming chamomile and mandarin scent
  • 性質溫和的寶寶沐浴露,採用有機蘆薈、燕麥、金盞花、奧勒岡葡萄根等天然成分,自然滋養和清潔寶寶敏感幼嫩肌膚,預防肌膚乾燥並幫助舒緩抗菌。特別加入羅馬洋甘菊及柑橘精油的香甜氣息,讓洗澡成為父母和寶寶之間的美好時光
  • Aloe Vera Organic Extract: Moisturizing, helps the active ingredients of essential oils to penetrate the skin
  • 有機蘆薈萃取液:保濕、幫助精油有效成分滲透肌膚
  • Organic oatmeal extract: a super food for the skin, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, deeply moisturizing and soothing dry itchy skin
  • 有機燕麥萃取:肌膚的超級食物,富含維他命和抗氧化成分,抗發炎、深層保濕並舒緩肌膚乾癢現象
  • Oregon grape root extract: soothes sensitive skin
  • 奧勒岡葡萄根萃取:緩和肌膚敏感
  • Calendula extract: Repair dry, damaged, inflamed and cracked skin
  • 金盞花萃取:修護乾燥、受損、發炎龜裂的肌膚
  • Made in California
  • 美國加州製造
  • Volume: 235ml
  • 容量: 235ml
  • Orders Over HKD500 Free Shipping
  • 訂單滿港幣500元免運費

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