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John Masters Organics Baby Balm With Lavender & Chamomile 美國薰衣草與洋甘菊有機嬰兒潤膚膏 60g

John Masters Organics Baby Balm With Lavender & Chamomile 美國薰衣草與洋甘菊有機嬰兒潤膚膏 60g

Regular price $120.00
Sale price $120.00 Regular price $240.00
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  • It can effectively replenish body moisture for dry skin in autumn and winter. After smearing, the cocoa butter in the ointment will melt at body temperature and fit the skin perfectly
  • 能有效為秋冬乾燥肌膚補充身體水分。塗抹後,藥膏中的可可脂會在體溫下融化,完美貼合肌膚
  • Cocoa butter and beeswax will form a tight protective film on the skin, leaving your skin hydrated and shiny without losing moisture, but also strengthen the skin's oil film to protect the skin from the external environment
  • 可可脂和蜂蠟會在皮膚上形成緊密的保護膜,讓您的皮膚水潤有光澤而不流失水分,還能強化皮膚的油膜,保護皮膚免受外界環境的侵害
  • Take an appropriate amount in your hand and gently extend it to the dry area. Dissolves quickly at body temperature and blends into the skin. it is recommended to use it for baby massage
  • 取適量於手中,輕輕塗抹於乾燥部位。在體溫下迅速溶解並融入皮膚。建議用它來給寶寶按摩
  • 95% or more natural content. Approved by COSMetic Organic Standard
  • 95% 或以上的天然含量。通過COSMEtic有機標準批准
  • Volume: 60g
  • 容量: 60g
  • Orders Over HKD500 Free Shipping
  • 訂單滿港幣500元免運費

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