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John Masters Organics Baby Lotion With Bergamot & Clary Sage 美國佛手柑快樂鼠尾草有機寶寶乳液 236ml

John Masters Organics Baby Lotion With Bergamot & Clary Sage 美國佛手柑快樂鼠尾草有機寶寶乳液 236ml

Regular price $247.00
Sale price $247.00 Regular price $260.00
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  • Shop all John Masters Organics
  • This milk-textured body lotion blends in and comfortably fits baby's skin without being sticky. Contains 4 moisturizing ingredients (*Jojoba Seed Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Aloe Vera Juice) to keep your baby hydrated
  • 這款牛奶質地的潤膚乳與嬰兒肌膚融為一體,舒適貼合,不黏膩。含 4 種保濕成分(*荷荷巴籽油、可可脂、乳木果油、蘆薈汁),讓寶寶保持水分
  • You can use it with confidence even in summer or when you are worried about prickly heat! A body lotion that can be used all year round
  • 即使夏天或擔心痱子的時候也可以放心使用!一年四季都可以使用的身體乳
  • Apply an appropriate amount to the skin of a clean baby, such as after bathing, and let it blend in like a gentle massage. you can use it for the whole body
  • 沐浴後等清潔後的嬰兒肌膚上塗抹適量,像輕柔按摩一樣融入肌膚。你可以用它來塗抹全身
  • 95% or more natural content. Approved by COSMetic Organic Standard
  • 95% 或以上的天然含量。通過COSMEtic有機標準批准
  • Volume: 236ml
  • 容量: 236ml
  • Orders Over HKD500 Free Shipping
  • 訂單滿港幣500元免運費

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