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John Masters Organics Vented Paddle Hair Brush 美國專業通風梳子

John Masters Organics Vented Paddle Hair Brush 美國專業通風梳子

Regular price $272.00
Sale price $272.00 Regular price $340.00
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  • Shop all John Masters Organics
  • Our professional-quality vented paddle brush is the only brush you’ll ever need.
  • 我們專業品質的通風刷是您唯一需要的刷子
  • Wide-spread, round-tipped bristles are gentle on hair for easy brush-through.
  • 寬大的圓頭刷毛溫和地呵護頭髮,方便梳理。
  • The vented body makes blow dryer-styling a breeze and an eco-friendly,
  • 通風機身讓吹風機造型變得輕而易舉
  • Wide-spread bristles help remove tangles
  • 廣泛的刷毛有助於消除纏結
  • A vented body makes blow drying hair fast and easy
  • 通風的機身使吹乾頭髮變得快速且輕鬆
  • Lightweight handle is ergonomically designed for effortless handling
  • 輕巧的手把符合人體工學設計,操作起來毫不費力
  • Eco-friendly bamboo
  • 環保竹子
  • Orders Over HKD500 Free Shipping
  • 訂單滿港幣500元免運費

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